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beat autoimmune academy

It's Time To Start Feeling Amazing!

A Comprehensive and Holistic Online Program To Help You Beat Autoimmune for GOOD So You Can Reclaim Your Health and Live Your Best Life As Soon as Possible.

You're just steps away from achieving results like these…

My energy is back 100% and I feel normal again. I now coach masters and kids swimming. I’m forgetting what MS felt like! I could not be more grateful. Thank you, Palmer for Beat Autoimmune Academy!
Jenny H.
I had lost vision in one eye due to MS. Doctors said there’s 'no cure,' but with Beat Autoimmune Academy, within 4 months, I regained my vision and lost 50 pounds. I'm aging backwards and have never been happier.
Alexandria W.
Before Beat Autoimmune Academy, I had lots of numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness. I haven’t had a single symptom in the past few years even during stressful times. Truly some of the best money I’ve ever spent.
Rachel O.

Chances are, you've landed
on this page because you're experiencing:

Chances are, you've landed on this page because you're experiencing:

Aches and pains

Hair Loss

Gut issues


Brain fog

Profound fatigue

Extra weight

Numbness or tingling

Poor sleep

All Of The Above

Here’s what’s going on:

Autoimmunity happens on a spectrum from
silent to some symptoms to full blown and LOUD

If you don’t know how to stop and reverse the process, you actually do have good reason to be concerned since autoimmunity usually gets worse.

But the GOOD NEWS is that there IS a proven strategy to to  stop, reverse, and even prevent autoimmune disorders…

Here’s what’s going on:

Autoimmunity happens on a spectrum from silent > symptoms > full blown and LOUD

If you don’t know how to stop and reverse the process, you actually do have good reason to be concerned since autoimmunity usually gets worse.

But the GOOD NEWS is that there IS a proven strategy to stop, reverse, and even prevent autoimmune disorders…

…so that you can:

…so that you can:

A Comprehensive,  Self-Paced, Online Course, Personalized Support & Monthly Live Coaching
To Help You Beat Autoimmune For GOOD 
So You Can Reclaim Your Health and Best Life As Soon As Possible

Here’s the living proof...

Beat Autoimmune Academy is OUTSTANDING! I’ve taken a LOT of health courses and Beat Autoimmune Academy is hands down the best. I was able to finally solve the root causes of my chronic skin condition.
Courtney K.
I had debilitating joint and foot pain, eczema, rosacea, tingling, gut issues, and anxiety. I am now symptom-free and I lost 20 pounds without trying. Beat Autoimmune Academy changed my life.
Maria C.
The value of Beat Autoimmune Academy is immeasurable. I’m prioritizing myself more, I’ve lost weight, I’m calmer, and I’m beating Hashimoto’s, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue. Thank you, thank you!
Anne S.

About The Founder

Palmer Kippola

Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and Author of the Amazon #1 Bestselling Book,       Beat Autoimmune, fwd by Mark Hyman, MD

Hi there,
my name is Palmer.

Hi there! I'm Palmer.

I was diagnosed with MS at 19 and suffered awful symptoms for more than 20 years. I had terrifying, full-body numbness and tingling, debilitating eye pain, zapping sensations, hormonal misery, and loads of stress. I was profoundly tired, chronically constipated, anxious, and ashamed. I saw more than 50 doctors and not one had answers. I was told to take medication and prepare for life in a wheelchair.

Thankfully, I found Functional Medicine. By addressing my root causes and healing my gut, the MS symptoms faded and then disappeared for good. Lab tests confirmed that antibodies to myelin are in the normal range and MRI results show lesions have faded or disappeared, prompting my neurologist to say, “This couldn’t be a better story”.

But it’s not just my story. After I healed, I decided to devote my life to helping those like me–people who want to get well but don’t know how. I immersed myself in the research of how we develop autoimmune disorders and empowering science of how to reverse them. I became certified as a Functional Medicine Health Coach and noticed a pattern: when clients addressed their personal FIGHTS™ factors: Food, Infections, Gut health, Hormone balance, Toxins, and Stress, they healed.

I wrote a book, Beat Autoimmune, which became a Amazon #1 bestseller in 9 categories, and I’m honored that Mark Hyman, MD and founder of the Center for Functional Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, wrote the powerful foreword.

People asked for more help healing, so I poured my research, clinical experience, and heart and soul into this step-by-step program that enables people to heal as effectively and efficiently as possible. I’ve helped hundreds of clients and students to reclaim their health and I can’t wait to help you find the freedom to do whatever your heart desires just as soon as possible.

When I’m not helping people reverse autoimmune disorders I’m probably out playing pickleball. What will you do once you beat autoimmune?

Featured In:

What’s inside Beat Autoimmune Academy?



Online Course

An engaging and comprehensive online course where you’ll be guided through the big root causes that must be addressed for full healing:

Module 1 Embrace a Healing Mindset

Module 2 – Build a Solid Foundation

Module 3 – Optimize Your Food

Module 4 – Heal Your Gut

Module 5 – Assess Your Oral Health

Module 6 – Detox Your Life

Module 7 – Address Stress and Trauma

Module 8 – Still Not Well? Dig Deeper into Hidden Root Causes

Monthly Live Coaching Sessions Over Zoom

All BAA students (DIY and VIP) are welcome to join this monthly session. During the Live Monthly Zoom calls, you get compassionate guidance, your questions answered, real-time coaching, small group support, and connection with others like you on the healing path. We currently meet the first Friday of each month at 1 pm Pacific Time. Can’t make it live? No worries. Send in your questions and enjoy the replay.


Community Support in Our Private Facebook Group.

You’ll have exclusive access to our private online Facebook group. Fellow BAA students, alumni, and I are there to support you, answer questions, and celebrate your success all along the way. Note: this is a supportive and uplifting group. No negativity or medication discussion here. [Note: Facebook group participation is optional].


VIP Healing Accelerator

With the VIP Healing Accelerator option, you’ll get two private 1:1 Zoom coaching sessions with me in addition to the BAA program. The first call will help you get off to a great and fast start; and the second is for you to schedule at your convenience within six months of program purchase. People who partner with me at this level accelerate time to thriving. 


Beat Autoimmune Academy is Unlike Any Other Autoimmune Program Out There Because it Includes…

Expert, empathetic guidance from a Functional Medicine Health Coach who used to have MS.

A clear and proven healing path, Mark Hyman, MD says he’s “seen work time and time again”.

Autoimmune reversal and prevention through root cause resolution, not symptom management.

The fastest path from where you are now to a life free of symptoms, and even diagnoses.

Live Zoom Sessions to connect and get your autoimmune healing questions answered.

An uplifting and supportive community. No complainers, negativity, or meds discussion here.

What Beat Autoimmune Academy alumni say…

Thanks to the Beat Autoimmune Academy program I am beating primary progressive MS. I am traveling again, riding my new tricycle, creating again, and absolutely loving my life. I bow to you in gratitude.
Sabine S.
Palmer is amazing and the information you’ll receive with this program will change your life and give you so many of the answers you’ve been searching for. I am flipping the switch of my epigenetics and healing daily. Worth every penny!
Amanda B.
Since doing the Beat Autoimmune Academy program I sleep so much better, my energy has improved, I've easily lost weight, and I can exercise multiple days in a row. I am beating UCTD, CFS, and fibromyalgia!
Kristin U.
New Mexico

Imagine the opportunity…

…to beat autoimmune without doctors, drugs, or drama.

…to be free of inflammation, fatigue, pain, symptoms, and suffering.

…to live a life you love, on your terms.

What’s all that worth? Priceless!

Imagine the opportunity…

…to beat autoimmune without doctors, drugs, or drama.

…to be free of inflammation, fatigue, pain, symptoms, and suffering.

…to live a life you love, on your terms.

What’s all that worth? Priceless!

What health experts say…

It’s time for a root cause revolution! Palmer Kippola simplifies the steps to health so you can beat autoimmune and thrive.
Frank Lipman, MD
New York Times Bestselling author of How to Be Well
Palmer presents both the historical context and science-based strategies for becoming resilient in the face of these devastating disorders.
Zach Bush, MD
Internationally recognized health educator, thought leader, and gut expert focused on creating a healthy future for people and the planet
The environmental and inherited challenges we all face don’t stand a chance with Palmer’s advice to guide us.
Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS
New York Times Bestselling author of over 30 books on health and nutrition including Radical Metabolism, The New Fat Flush Plan, and Guess What Came to Dinner
Autoimmune conditions are reversible, but you need to address root causes head on. Palmer Kippola used to have MS and now she’s on a mission to help anyone who is eager to reverse or prevent any autoimmune condition.
Izabella Wentz, PharmD, FASCP
#1 New York Times bestselling author of Hashimoto’s Protocol

It’s Your Time To Invest In Yourself & Your Ideal Future.

Autoimmune conditions are stressful, confusing, and overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. I can help you by providing a clear path, a shortened time to healing, and a supportive environment for your health transformation.

It’s YOUR time now to make your dreams come true.


Choose The Plan That Best Fits You

Don't miss out! Save $300 when you sign up by February 28, 2025



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Beat Autoimmune Academy
+ VIP Accelerator

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Will you look back This Time Next Year and say, “I wish I had…” or “I’m glad I did!”?

This is your opportunity to beat autoimmune for good, without doctors, drugs or drama. I will walk you through everything you need to know, step-by-step. You can do it all from the comfort of your own home, or while you’re in your car, or out walking. To start immediately, click the button:

Will you look back four months from now and say, “I wish I had…” or “I’m glad I did!”?

This is your opportunity to beat autoimmune for good, without doctors, drugs or drama. I will walk you through everything you need to know, step-by-step. You can do it all from the comfort of your own home, or while you’re in your car, or out walking. To start immediately, click ENROLL NOW below.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • * Dealing with autoimmune or mysterious symptoms and want to heal completely
  • * Recently diagnosed and overwhelmed about what to do
  • * Someone who’s been seeking solutions on your own for a while and who could benefit from expert guidance
  • * Someone who is ready to take control of your health and your life
  • * Ready to roll your sleeves up and do what it takes to get well and stay well
  • x You want to take a pill or supplement to solve things
  • x You are not open to shift your perspective
  • x You are not willing to modify your lifestyle
  • x You expect to heal overnight
  • x You’re looking to “manage your disease”

NO! People with MS tend to gravitate to me because that is what I used to have. My book is not “Beat MS,” it’s “Beat Autoimmune,” because my research and clinical experience confirm that you can reverse ANY of the 150+ autoimmune conditions by following the same healing framework I created called F.I.G.H.T.S.™, which stands for Food, Infections, Gut health, Hormone balance, Toxins, and Stress. I also have students who don’t have any “diagnosis,” but who want to reduce inflammation and optimize their health and wellbeing to prevent what their relatives have or had.

YES! While women represent about 80% of the worldwide incidence of autoimmunity, men are deeply affected too. The program was designed with ALL genders in mind.

YES! We’ve had participants from all over the world, including North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia.

Results depend on many factors, including your starting point, your determination, and your level of motivation. Students have reported beneficial mindset shifts in less than a week; symptom reduction within the first month of changing their food; and further symptom reduction within the first few months of getting better sleep and hydration, treating gut imbalances, detoxing their lives, and addressing stress and trauma. Autoimmunity takes between five and twenty years to develop so you should expect full healing to take time too. Some say it may take a third of the time you have had symptoms.

You’ll have the opportunity to consume the online course at your own pace. The entire online course runs approximately six hours, and new material will be added over time. You can binge it or take baby steps. There’s no firehose to create feelings of getting overloaded or overwhelmed. Most people spend 30 – 60 minutes each week doing the lessons and putting them into action. The key is to do what you can at your own pace. The monthly live Zoom calls are one hour each and you will have the opportunity to watch replays on your own time.

Most courses only cover one or a few areas; and most completely miss key areas including embracing a healing mindset, addressing stress and trauma, assessing oral health, healing from gut imbalances, and chronic Lyme. Beat Autoimmune Academy covers ALL of this, along with self-assessments and checklists so you can determine which areas need your attention. I am not aware of another course that addresses ALL of the areas you need to explore along with expert guidance, actionable information, practical application, compassionate motivation, and a growing, supportive community.

I recommend that people do their own experiment called a “30-Day Food Vacation,” also known as an “elimination diet” or an Autoimmune Paleo, or just “AIP” for short until symptoms fade. Beyond this, every person is in the best position to figure out the best food plan for themselves. I will guide you through the process to help you land on your optimal foods.

NO! Facebook group participation is totally optional and if you don’t join, you will not miss out from getting everything you need from the program. People who belong to the private Facebook group report enjoying the uplifting, supportive, and global attributes of the community. Unlike other Facebook groups, there is no negativity, complaining, or discussion about meds here. 

All calls are recorded and will be shared with all BAA students via email so you can watch at the time that works best for you. If you have a question you’d like answered during a Q&A call, but can’t make it to the call, no worries! You can submit your question ahead of the call, and then watch the recorded video when it is ready and sent to you via email.

YES! The course is different from the book in that I distill relevant details from both the book and my one-on-one Functional Natural Medicine practice. The course also includes additional essential factors to address, including embracing a healing mindset, creating foundational healthy habits, addressing oral health, treating chronic Lyme, and transcending trauma. My teaching style has been called motivational, honest, compassionate, and clear. My intention in creating a comprehensive program delivered in bite sized chunks over video, the information will come to life in such a way that it’s like having a Functional Medicine health coach in your home – or pocket!

NO! Reading my book, Beat Autoimmune is not a prerequisite for this program, however, many have noted that the book is an “excellent complement” and “a great resource to come back to over time.” The book is currently available in five languages: English, German, Polish, Czech, and Mandarin Chinese. Check in your country for Beat Autoimmune in paperback, Kindle, or audiobook formats; or request it from your local library.

YES! The course was created with mobility in mind. Not only that: I have taken a lot of courses and I wanted to make sure that you could control not only playback speed; but I also wanted to make sure that you could pause lessons and come back to the place you left off without having to start lessons over and try to find your place. As long as you have internet or wireless access, you can roam and participate freely.

There is no reasonable way that I can guarantee better health outcomes for anyone. Healing and preventing autoimmunity is multifactorial and much depends on the person. Beat Autoimmune Academy provides a healing framework and guidance for beating and preventing autoimmune disorders. My intent is to provide clear guidance and motivation, science-based strategies, inspirational stories, and practical lessons with supportive materials that support people to make better and healthier choices over time. People who put the information into action will be taking steps towards beating autoimmunity. And people who are determined, committed, and dedicated to their health and wellbeing will experience the best outcomes.

NO! Beat Autoimmune Academy does not offer medical advice. Information provided in Beat Autoimmune Academy is for informational and educational purposes only. I encourage you to consult your physician or healthcare provider for any health problems and before making any changes that may impact medical treatment, such as blood pressure or other medications.

I’d be happy to answer any questions you still have. Please reach out to and let me know what’s on your mind. I’d love to help!

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